Go To Hell, 12: Miami Cop Caught On Camera Knocking Unarmed Black Man Unconscious [Video]

December 14, 2018

Florida, Miami Beach, Veterans Day parade, Police Car

Source: Jeff Greenberg / Getty

Miami Cop Caught On Tape Knocking Out Unarmed Black Man

Each and every day that we log on to Al Gore’s beloved internet and see reasons why our people will likely never trust the police. Regardless of how many community-building events, town hall discussions, panels, or weekly meetings take place, there will always be videos like the ones below.

According to the Miami Herald, officer Adriel Dominguez has been “relieved of patrol duties” while an internal investigation is completed to find out if he was acting lawfully when he knocked out 35-year-old unarmed Black man Lowell Poitier Jr. in front of people on a busy Miami street.

In the video, you see Dominguez and Poitier Jr. get into a verbal confrontation, then out of nowhere, Dominguez punches Poitier in the face while his bacon-wrapped partner cheers him on. Despite the fact that another officer’s body camera captured the truth of the incident, Dominguez wrote in his report that Poitier clenched his fist and got into a “fighting stance”.

Another officer, Frederick Dominguez, no relation, somehow obtained the footage that was either never seen by the department or seen and swept under the rug. He was so disturbed by it that he immediately turned it over to higher-ups. Says his lawyer Michael Pizzi:

“I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s outrageous behavior. It’s an assault in broad daylight,” said Pizzi, who is asking the city for whistle-blower protection for his client. “He clearly did not take a fighting stance or clench his fist to fight the officer like it says in the report.”

Check out the video of the incident below.

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Poitier was taken to the hospital of a cut lip and was subsequently charged with misdemeanor assault on a police officer, resisting arrest without violence and disorderly conduct.

F**k 12.

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