C’mon Son: An Old Clip Of Chris Rock Encouraging Louis C.K. To Say The N-Word Has Twitter In A Tizzy

December 23, 2018

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Chris Rock Is Getting Crucified Online For This Old Clip

Chris Rock was Twitter’s number one trending topic on Saturday night, but it’s not exactly something to be proud of.

The comedian became the talk of Twitter and the internet as a whole after a 2011 clip of HBO’s Talking Funny resurfaced. In the video, Chris Rock is joined by fellow comedians Ricky Gervais, Louis C.K. and Jerry Seinfeld, who all end up discussing the use of the “N-word.”

Things escalate quickly as both Gervais and C.K. start to casually throw around the racial slur without a care in the world, as Rock joins in and laughs along with them.

The clip and subsequent discussion start after Rock announces to the room that Louis C.K. is “the blackest white guy” he knows. C.K. responds by asking Rock, “You’re saying I’m a n****r?”

“Yes,” Rock replies. “You are the n****r-est white man I have ever [met].”

Gervais is clearly entertained by the whole exchange as Chris and Louis explode with laughter, but Seinfeld is visibly uncomfortable the entire time and ends up speaking out against the situation.

After vocalizing that he doesn’t think Louis should say that word, Jerry said, “You’ve found the humor of it,” he says. “I haven’t — nor do I seek it.”

As we mentioned before, this was the number one topic on Twitter this weekend, and the reactions were pretty unanimous: Jerry Seinfeld being the voice of reason while Chris Rock encourages his white peers to spew the N-word is absolutely insane.

Seinfeld is still being praised while the 3 other comedians continue to be roasted relentlessly–especially Chris Rock. Check out the reactions to this recently resurfaced clip by flipping through the next few pages.



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