
Spat Chat: Rajon Rondo Denies Hockin’ A Loogie On CP3, “Everyone Wants To Believe Chris Paul Is A Good Guy”

October 24, 2018

Image via Harry How/Getty Images

Rajon Rondo Says He Did Not Spit On Chris Paul

Rajon Rondo is a lot of things, but let him tell it, he’s NOT a spitter.

The Lakers point guard has been suspended for three games after he and Chris Paul moved some furniture this past Saturday night at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Rondo has spoken out ESPN to defend himself against the saliva-slingin’ accusation:

“This is the only time I’m going to address this,” Rondo told ESPN on Tuesday. “I had a mouthpiece in my mouth and I [was] exasperated because I was about to tell him to ‘get the [expletive] out of here.’

“Look at my body language [in the video]. My hands on my hips. I turn away for a second. Look at Eric [Gordon] and Melo [Carmelo Anthony] in the video. If they saw me spit, they would have turned their face up or something. They had no reaction.”

Seems reasonable enough, however, there is footage of spit coming from Rondo’s mouth, whether it was intentional or not is another issue.

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