
2 Things Can Be True: Stacey Abrams Makes It Clear That We Need Gun Control, Not 2A Abolishment

October 30, 2018

Image via Prince Williams/WireImage

Stacey Abrams Makes Her Stance On Second Amendment Clear On The View

One of the most disingenuous arguments that politicians and gun nuts use is that some liberal boogeyman or boogeywoman is going to repeal the 2nd amendment. As if one day, guns will be completely illegal in this soulless country.

Not happening, chief. Don’t matter who is president, red, blue, man, woman, Black, white, latinx, asian, America loves violence and guns are here to stay.

All that said, we OBVIOUSLY need SERIOUS gun control reform and sensible politicians like Gerogia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams knows how to accomplish that.

Stacey appeared on The View today where Meghan McCain question her position on guns, Stacey swept a slightly cynical Meghan into a tidy pile and moved her ever-so-gently into a dustpan. Watch.

Told you.

Now go VOTE! Early vote! Take your friends to vote! Take ya meemaw to vote! November 6 is election day!

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