
No Justice: Florida Cop Who Repeatedly Punched 14-Year-Old Girl Will NOT Be Disciplined

October 24, 2018

Cop Who Punched 14-Year-Old Girl In Ribs Will Not Be Disciplined

The South Florida cop who was seen punching a 14-year-old lying face down in the ribs will not be disciplined. As previously reported the girl was detained at the Coral Square Mall amid reports that around 30 teens who were released early from school were fighting, cursing and harassing customers.

After the children were escorted out of the mall, the teen returned and that’s when she was subdued and punched in the ribs so she’d “unclench her fists.”

Coral Springs Police Officer Tyler Reik told The Sun Sentinel Monday that no disciplinary action will be taken. As for the girl, however, she’s facing charges of battery on a law enforcement officer, obstructing an officer without violence and trespassing after a warning.

“No policy was violated,” “The officers went through what they are trained to do and to de-escalate the situation. We try verbal compliance first, and obviously that wasn’t working.”


“Nothing in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement use-of-force matrix says you cannot strike a subject to gain compliance if other methods are attempted,” Reik said. “Our command staff supports our officers. If she didn’t come back to the mall a second time, this wouldn’t have happened.”

According to the girl’s mother, Jessica Dennis, the cop went overboard and somethings should be done. She’s hired Attorney Meeghan Moldof who agrees that excessive force was used.

“At the moment the video is rolling, they have complete control of the situation,” Moldof said to The Sun Sentinel. “He’s a trained police officer to deal with situations like this. He could have done a number of other things.”

Surely the cop could’ve done SOMETHING other than striking the unarmed child—right?

Watch the girl’s mother speak out on “Good Morning America” below. What should happen to the officer?

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