
Married At First Sight Recap: Back To Our Future

September 16, 2022

It seems like every year Married At First Sight allows one person to essentially be mistreated and/or bullied by their partner. I don’t know about anyone else, but I am uncomfortable watching the dynamic between one of the couples. I don’t know if production just doesn’t care or they encourage it for TV drama. As much as I like some good gossip, watching Binh cower around his wife doesn’t make me feel good.

Having just passed the one month milestone in their marriages, the husbands and wives open up further to their spouses.  They return to their roots and share more about their past. The couples work to build a stronger future together. Let’s get straight to the recap.

Morgan and Binh

The guys and girls meet separately to talk about their experiences. Binh and Morgan share the state of their marriage after he confided in Justin. They are officially separated after she decided to move out. It’s interesting, the men (and me) don’t think he did anything wrong. Apparently, she can create a narrative about him to the women, but he can’t confide in just Justin? The women rally around Morgan and decide to crash the men’s gathering.

Upon arriving, Morgan immediately shares her feelings with the group and accuses Binh of lying and betraying her. Nate is the only one to stand up for him, by questioning her aggressive demeanor. Binh is so passive that it is not a good look to gaslight and bully him in front everyone. I honestly think they are better off divorcing. This relationship has become very toxic. He literally lost 7 pounds from stress due to this situation!

Binh and Morgan meet with Dr. Pepper Schwartz to discuss their issues. He immediately takes accountability for his actions. But Morgan doesn’t seem to see anything she has done wrong and plays the victim. Does she not realize she may not be the easiest person to talk to, especially about something relating to herself? Also, ever since he revealed his self-esteem issues, she has gotten even more brutal in her approach.

Lindy and Miguel

Lindy admits that she struggles with distinguishing control from help while talking to Dr. Pepper. She is still unsure of how to be a good wife. Miguel quickly reassures her that he thinks she is doing a good job. Later, Miguel reveals to Lindy that he loves her out of the blue. Of course, she happily returns the same sentiment. Well, I definitely didn’t see that coming. I thought with some of Miguel’s comments he would be one of the last men to say it, if at all.

Stacia and Nate

Stacia admits that she moves faster than Nate.  Initially she expected him to match her speed. Nate agrees he has issues opening up and now is actively trying to make his wife feel heard. Dr. Pepper gives them some sage advice on how to progress and give each other grace. Later,
Nate and Stacia read letters to their younger self. She is surprised by how much he is opening up during their conversation. I guess Nate either is feeling more comfortable with his wife or he truly wants to show her, he is trying. I really hope this ends up as a happy ending, but there is something that is just telling me that everything isn’t as it seems here.


Alexis and Justin

When Dr. Pepper visits, Alexis reveals that Justin‘s dog trainer told them his dog still is displaying aggressive behavior. They made the decision to not allow Justin’s dog back in their home. Obviously this is a difficult and emotional decision for him since he has had him for years. Alexis reveals that she has issues being vulnerable and putting herself in a position to be hurt. I think everyone can see that is the case. But, they both are actively working on their individual and joint issues.

Justin shows Alexis where he grew up. Through their conversation, she gets a better understanding of why he is so hard on himself. His 19 year old brother raised him when he was only 13 years old. When he had questions, he was constantly told to figure things out himself. Alexis quickly connects this to why he gets so upset when he makes a mistake. Listening to Justin made me sad. Instead of describing this situation as difficult, he believes it taught him how to be independent. Alexis shares how her love of sports and how it made her into the woman she is today.

Krysten and Mitch

Krysten opens up to Dr. Pepper about overcompensating in her marriage to make Mitch happy. She still feels insecure about him telling her he wasn’t interested initially. But Mitch claims that he genuinely wants to show up in his marriage & not allow fear to get in the way. I don’t know if Mitch can be what his wife needs, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Mitch shares a walk down memory lane by taking Krysten through his life in pictures. During his stories, she gets a better understanding of why he is the way he is. She even wishes she knew this information ahead of time because she would have been more patient. Sigh! I don’t know how much more patient she could be with him. Let’s be real, Krysten has given Mitch a lot of grace.


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]


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