Steven Johnston on 90 Day Fiance: Alina Thought I Wanted to Sell Her Organs!

August 30, 2021

Part of the drama-filled 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way premiere involved introducing two brand-new couples.

The first episode of Season 3 only showed us Steven "with a V" Johnston's side of his love story with Alina.

Some viewers are already having flashbacks to a similar couple from much earlier in the franchise.

Others just aren't sure what to think of this wildly eccentric nice-haired Mormon and his Russian lady love.

Our first glimpse of 25-year-old Steven Johnston is of him fixing his hair to record and tell his story.

The producers assure him that his hair always looks great -- and they're right to say it.

But it's clear that production (and especially editing) wants us all to see Steven's idiosyncrasies for ourselves. He's a quirky guy.

One of the most important things to know about Steven is that he is a very devout Mormon.

(He even explains how the Mormon nickname arose, which could be very educational for those who want to learn more about LDS)

It was on a missionary trip that he undertook when he was 19 that Steven started on the path to fall in love with Alina.

Steven spent a lot of time in Eastern Europe, which is when he learned a great deal of Russian.

"I'm super grateful that I did learn it," Steven gushed on the premiere, "because I have Alina."

"I started helping her English a little bit and she's helping me with Russian," he explained.

"From the very get-go, we are kind of interested in each other," Steven admitted.

"So," he recalled, "I said something kind of flirty like, 'Can I have your number?' That kind of a thing."

"We started calling each other every day," Steven revealed. "And since then, we haven't stopped." 

Steven shared that Alina was "super nervous" to even meet him because Mormonism is viewed as being a cult in Russia.

"She didn't even want to meet up with me," he explained, "because she was afraid that I was going to sell her organs."

"I decided to invite her mom, invite my mom," Steven added.

"Maybe I convinced her like, 'Hey, like, I'm not gonna harvest your organs, I'm not gonna kidnap you. Your mom will be there,' which is kind of silly," Steven said.

"I feel like it'd be just as easy to kidnap two people," he mused, "but it made her comfortable and then she agreed."

"She comes out of the elevator, we make eye contact and I run up and I hug her," Steven described of their first meeting. 

"And it seems like something off a movie," Steven gushed, "where like, [we're] instantly connected."

Like we said, we have yet to hear from Alina, but likely we will in their next episode.

Among other hurdles, the COVID-19 pandemic is going to make it trickier for them to meet up.

Notably, two of Steven's brothers are ex-Mormons who left the LDS church for unspecified personal reasons.

He is spending time with them before going to be with Alina.

Even Steven's family acknowledges that his quirkiness and sometimes awkward behavior, though charming, won't go unnoticed.

Steven johnston on 90 day fiance alina thought i wanted to sell

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