
Keith David Went On Twitter and Read Lines as Some of His Most Memorable Characters and I Wish to Start Everyday Like This Please

August 05, 2021

Keith David 2019

Whenever Keith David says words I have to drop everything I’m doing and listen to whatever he has to say. The word swoon comes to mind when Keith David speaks. I imagine when he gets a script it simply says be Keith David because:


He’s the kind of actor where I can immediately identify his voice before I proceed to remember decades upon decades of characters he’s portrayed. When a character opens their mouth and I hear that Keith David voice (you know the one) I can’t help but go:


I’m not the only one who feels like this. I dare say we ALL have heard Keith David at some point in our media viewing lives. Hence this very long comment thread of examples when the actor asked fans for their favorite lines from projects he’s worked on.

Now when I say he’s got multiple decades’ worth of roles to choose from, I mean it. Movies, television, animation, video games, theatre, he’s done it all. My personal introduction to Keith David was Gargoyles, back before I had an understanding of there being people behind the scenes voicing these characters. Gargoyles aired in my junior high/early high school days, right in that sweet spot where folks started to question if you were “too old” to watch cartoons as if the material in question didn’t have some absolutely epic offerings.


It doesn’t matter how old you are, you are going to stop and pay attention when Goliath gives one of those low rumble monologues.

I can’t pinpoint when I realized that there was a name behind Goliath’s voice, but when I did, it stuck with me from that point on. Now? Whenever I hear Keith David portray a character my first reaction is, “OMG IT’S KEITH DAVID!”

(But before I knew the name it was totally, “OMG IT’S GOLIATH!”)

This brings me to the recent video Keith David shared on Twitter where he chose a couple of fan-selected lines and filmed himself reading them, aka, the new start to my morning that’ll wake me up better than coffee. This was part of one of those tell me you’re (blank) without telling me you’re (blank) memes, in this case, the “blank” was “voice over OG.”

And Keith David certainly is.

This video barely scratches the surface of his career, but PHEW does it get the point across of how talented this man is. Here are all of the series he covered in the video:

  • Rick and Morty
  • BoJack Horseman
  • Halo 2
  • Coraline
  • Saints Row (let Keith David say f*ck!)
  • Gargoyles
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Spawn
  • The Princess and the Frog (let Keith David sing!)

What have been some of your favorite moments from Keith David’s career? If you got to ask him to say a line from one of his many roles, what would it be? More importantly, what is the best fainting react gif for when you hear Keith David speak?


(Image: Rich Polk/Getty Images for Audi)

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The post Keith David Went On Twitter and Read Lines as Some of His Most Memorable Characters and I Wish to Start Everyday Like This Please first appeared on The Mary Sue.

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