Depending on your reality TV tastes, streaming services, and timezones, Sunday might be a big night in your house! How is a viewer to choose between Real Housewives of Potomac on Bravo and Big Brother on CBS!? Potomac is serving us top tier content, per usual. Meanwhile, Big Brother has mixed the game up by having contestants broken into four teams this season. At least it’s not hide-the-remote-before-Sunday-Night-Football season yet!
Theoretically, fans could just watch Big Brother literally any other day of the week and time of day, thanks to the creeptastic Live Streams going almost constantly. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t manically click between these after every HOH comp. But live threads don’t only provide deep insight into alliances and relationships. There’s also plenty of mindless entertainment to enjoy!
Lives or not, by now most fans have probably seen the friendship between Derek Frazier (Derek F) and Azah Awasum blossoming on the show. I’ve also seen them on the lives sharing game moves, personal stories, and hilariously killing time in the high pressure house. Most interestingly for someone like myself? A clip tweeted out by a fan wherein Derrick and Azah discuss Real Housewives.
In the clip we can see Derek F saying “I miss the Housewives. I miss Real Housewives,” to which Azah replied, “Me too.” Derek then says “I wish I could watch Potomac” and Azah replies “It’s so funny that you like Potomac.”
Just like anyone with a pulse and taste, Azah’s response first took Derek aback. He asked her, “You’re not watching it?” Surprisingly, Azah responded with, “Candiace [Dillard Bassett] was my pageant coach.” Okay we have arrived!
RELATED: Candiace Dillard Shades Gizelle Bryant’s Home As A “Tear Down” & A “Cabin”
After another fan replied to the live footage saying, “@TherealCANDIACE being Azah’s pageant coach is everything!!!!! Two of my fav reality shows met!” Candiace made a comment as well. Candiace tweeted out her support with a statement that read, “Omg Azah is on Big Brother?!?!? Yezzzz, AZAH!!!!”
How surprised will Azah (and probably Derek F) be to see this exchange when they leave the BB house?! Probably not as surprised as I am to learn Candiace actually had any influence on the ever-elegant and seemingly level-headed Azah!
RELATED: Candiace Dillard Implies Karen Huger Only Brought Up Gizelle Bryant’s “Six Feet Under” Comments About Ray Huger For A Storyline On Real Housewives Of Potomac
[Photo Credit: Bravo]
The post Candiace Dillard Was Big Brother Star Azah Awasum’s Pageant Coach appeared first on Reality Tea.