Exclusive Cover Reveal: Lindsay Ellis’s Truth of the Divine Pulls Us In With a Supernova

January 22, 2021

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We have the excellent pleasure to reveal the cover of Lindsay Ellis’s upcoming book, Truth of the Divine. It is a sequel to her New York Times Bestselling novel Axiom’s End and the second book in the Noumena series! As someone who has the pleasure to work and collab with Lindsay, I am both proud as a friend to see her shine and also as a reader excited to see what is going to come next in this series. Axiom’s End was a truly splendid piece of sci-fi and I’m sure Truth of the Divine will be just as good.

But let’s get to the book cover!

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Truth of the Divine is the riveting sequel to Lindsay Ellis’ blockbuster NY Times bestseller, Axiom’s End.

The human race is at a crossroads. We know we are not alone, but don’t fully understand who has arrived. The alien entity Ampersand is still keen on keeping secrets, even from his new full-time “communication intermediary” Cora, which is becoming a big problem now that humanity must answer some major questions: should human rights apply to non-humans, and how do you define a person?

A growing populist movement is keen to use the fear of an insecure populace to its advantage, but few know how grave the existential threat really is. And when one night a supernova-like blast rips the sky apart, it marks the arrival of an agent of chaos that will light an already unstable world on fire.

A growing populist movement you say?

But seriously, I’m not only excited to see what happens to Cora, but have enjoyed science-fiction doing what it has always excelled at: exploring what is human, the value of humanity, and personhood.

Truth of the Divine will be on sale 10/12/21, but you can (and should) pre-order it now!

(image: St. Martin’s Press)

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The post Exclusive Cover Reveal: Lindsay Ellis’s Truth of the Divine Pulls Us In With a Supernova first appeared on The Mary Sue.

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