Paul Staehle to Fans: Please Pray that Karine Doesn't Leave Me Again!

December 14, 2020

Just because Paul and Karine aren't returning to 90 Day Fiance doesn't mean that they're done having drama.

This couple seems to have nothing else. Now, Paul is asking for prayers from fans.

As Paul Staehle often does, he took to his Instagram Stories to reach out to fans.

This time, his post had an uncharacteristically short message for his followers.

“Next pages are my wishlist!!!!” he wrote.

Paul Staehle IG teases amazon wishlist

An Amazon wishlist is a list of items that anyone viewing it has the options of purchasing for you.

It can be used for friends and family around birthdays and other gift-giving holidays.

Some moderately famous people, like reality stars but also streamers and sex workers, use them so that fans can get them things -- without knowing their home address.

Paul would be far, far from the first 90 Day Fiance star to ask for help.

In late 2018, alum Danielle Mullins Jbali kicked off a mini-firestorm of stars, past and present, asking for fans to help them out of tight spots.

90 Day Fiance stars are paid a pitiable amount in proportion to the massive popularity of the franchise. Many continue to live deeply modest lives.

However, followers who stayed with Paul's Instagram Stories long enough to get to the next page were treated 

“Just joking," he revealed, writing above an empty Amazon wishlist.

Paul clarified that the "Only thing I want is prayers."

Paul Staehle IG just prayers please

Paul also included a pair of stickers.

One simply reads “prank,” which is an accurate enough description.

The other reads “just kidding,” which is a useful clarification. 

This post, made on Friday, came just one day after Paul -- jokingly or not -- signaled that he and Karine are once again having marital problems.

He revealed to fans that he is keeping his wedding ring on a necklace, so that it rests next to his cross pendant.

Paul then joked that his marriage asa  whole “needs Jesus.”

Paul, 37, and Karine, 24, are anticipating the birth of Baby #2.

They are already the parents of their toddler, Pierre (pronounced Pierre-E, in Brazilian fashion).

Karine's pregnancy was first revealed extremely early on, early this summer.

To say that Paul and Karine had a difficult year would be a massive understatement.

An ugly fight involved a police visit, Paul livestreaming the encounter, and Karine fleeing with Pierre.

Karine filed a restraining order, Paul filed for one of his own in retaliation, and they both prepared for what was sure to be a nasty custody battle.

And then, suddenly, they were no longer at war.

They withdrew their restraining orders and reconciled, celebrating their three-year wedding anniversary.

Paul even confessed that he should not have accused Karine of putting shards of glass in his food, acknowledging that he knew that she had done nothing of the sort.

Paul and Karine have returned temporarily to Brazil, where their living conditions are apparently worse but where Karine has her family's help.

“Her family has been so helpful and so great, so wonderful and everything,” Paul gushed on social media.

He has added that Karine plans to complete high school, get a diploma, and launch a new career in cosmetology.

"It is Karine's Dream to begin a career in cosmetology," Paul shared on Instagram.

He continued: "This new series I am producing will be documenting her journey along the way as she meets new friends to help her accomplish her dream."

Paul acknowledged: "I am not sure where we will be publishing it at this time."

Paul noted: "I have not seen her this happy in a long time. So hopefully this continues in a positive direction."

"My content for myself involves some high risk situations in the Amazon Jungle," he revealed, "in search of the truth of some recent discoveries and ancient legends in the area."

That sounds utterly ridiculous and absolutely on brand.

Karine Staehle about Paul - it's ridiculous

Maybe Paul has been joking about his marriage requiring divine intervention.

But your average marriage is not nearly as volatile as his.

Fans hope, for the sake of their children if nothing else, that these two can become much more functional and give their children their best possible future.

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