Joe Duggar and Kendra Caldwell BLASTED for Endangering Children

December 11, 2020

Duggar fans know how much Joe Duggar and Kendra Caldwell love the spotlight.

It turns out that they also love Christmas lights. So much so that they'll endanger their kids to go see them.

Joe and Kendra share one of those creepy, joint/marital Instagram accounts, but it is convenient to find all of their family photos in one place.

On December 9, barely into the second week of December, they took Garrett and Addison to look at Christmas lights.

On Instagram, they shared multiple snaps, captioning: "We had so much fun taking the kids to see Christmas lights last night!"

There was just one problem, as followers quickly pointed out: where tf were their masks?

"It’s not cute to not wear a mask dude. It’s just not," commented a nurse.

Another commenter more succinctly inquired: "Mask?"

"There is a pandemic going on ya know?" another follower reminded them.

"Even pregnant," another fan remarked, "you feel immune to a mask."

Yes, as we previously reported, Kendra is already pregnant with Baby #3.

"Wear mask!" another scolds the couple. "We are still in a pandemic!!!!"

A pandemic that rages worse than ever. The US is now regularly losing about 3,000 lives per day to one virus.

"So is the pandemic over in Arkansas?" another asks. "No mask or anything. No wonder many of us are back to stay at home orders."

As you can imagine, these replies were met by two of the horsemen of the apocalypse.

The first were the usual superfans who insist that their faves have done nothing wrong, ever, in their lives.

The second were much more dangerous -- COVID-deniers sharing dangerous misinformation about masks, social distancing, and the virus itself.

Now, wading through the misinformation, there was one almost compelling argument.

They noted that no one else appears in this set of photos -- so maybe these lights only admitted one family at a time, and thus were completely safe.

So maybe they were being totally safe and responsible, but didn't feel like explaining that in the caption to preempt these very reasonable concerns?

"You didn’t see their stories then," other commenters pointed out.

Another describes: "they’re on a train in the stories with other people clearly around them."

Public transportation is a wonder. But in a pandemic, it's more or less the worse time to board any kind of mass transit, whether it's practical or part of a joyride.

"Wearing a mask is the best precaution," another adamantly emphasized. "There’s no excuses."

"Not hate it’s science," another comment reads. "This country is losing over 2000 people a day."

Joe and Kendra may have endangered themselves, their children, and countless strangers. Some fans marveled that they have the gall to call themselves "pro-life."

In a sense, one can understand why the two of them aren't looking at the COVID-19 pandemic like most of us are.

They grew up in fundamentalist families -- trained to disbelieve even basic science, to distrust society, and to be paranoid about relying upon anything but their extremist religion.

On the other hand ... they're adults, albeit barely. Once you have children, all excuses go out the window for your adult behavior.

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