Claire Spivey Swears That Justin Duggar Paid for Her Engagement Ring. No, Really!

December 11, 2020

Justin Duggar is engaged at the age of 18.

This means the reality star won't be allowed to legally purchase alcohol for another three years.

Which is a moot point, we suppose, since members of this famous family are not permitted to drink alcohol.

A more pertinent question, therefore, is this:

Did he really purchase a diamond ring for Claire Spivey?!?

The very young couple announced their engagement in mid-November, mere weeks after confirming they were courting and before they even shared their first kiss.

Spivey showed off the engagement ring gifted to her by Justin at the time, which you can see here:

The thing is, not only is Justin awfully young to be someone's husband.

He seems awfully young to be in a position to afford such jewelry.

Shortly after Spivey and Duggar announced their plans to marry last month, a bunch of followers started to wonder whether Justin's parents bought the ring for him.

Or even TLC, considering the couple will be featured on the following season of Counting On and considering that Justin introduced Claire to his relatives on a recent episode.

Asked a curious social media user this week:

"I'm curious about who paid for the ring? Does he have a job or is he still in school?"

Replied Spivey:

"Justin paid for the ring! Not a dime of it was someone else’s money. He is super motivated and does well at his job.

"He's been graduated for quite a while and has a full time job. He also worked part time while in school, so he'd be prepared to be on his own."

a spivey tweet

We're not sure if we believe any of that. But oh well. None of our business, we suppose.

“There is nothing comparable to finding the one you are meant to spend your life with,” the couple told Us Weekly upon announcing their engagement the day Justin turned 18.

“We know we have found that in each other.

"We cannot wait to be married and are looking forward to a life together of faith in Christ, love for one another and happiness!”

The 19 Kids and Counting alum told this same publication that he proposed to Spivey while celebrating his birthday with her in Texas.

This major move was made less than a month after Claire and Justin also said they were dating.

Explained Justin on video back then:

“God brought Claire in my life and I wasn’t really expecting it, but he brought her along right when I needed her. Ever since then, I just knew that she was the one."

Justin and Claire in Hats

Most observers assume that the teenagers were set up, and basically forced into an engagement, but their religious parents.

But that remains a mere rumor at this point.

"Something I really admire in Justin is how serious-minded he is," Claire said in September of her now-fiance.

"But also his ability to have fun and see the best in people. I wanna be more like him everyday...

“I’m really looking forward to the memories to come."

Still, though.

Why take the monumental step of getting engaged at such a tender age?!?

Derek Dillard thinks he knows why, recently offering up a theory about why Jim Bob and Michelle's kids, along with other kids of very conservative parents, agree to marry so young:

Because we want to have sex,” Derek says.

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