90 Day Fiance: Julia Trubkina Tells Brandon Gibbs' Parents to F--k Off

December 14, 2020

90 Day Fiance Season 8 continues.

On the second episode of the season, we're reintroduced to Tarik and Hazel -- a fan-favorite couple.

Brandon greets Julia at the airport, but his mother's insistence upon micromanaging everything from time to sleeping arrangements is already causing huge problems.

Jovi and Yara are happy to see each other but they are on totally different wavelengths.

Rebecca is going over-the-top with displaying Zied's face while anticipating the results of his visa interview.

And Natalie arrives for her second chance with Mike ... but not before exiling his uncle.

1. Brandon Gibbs and Julia Trubkina

Brandon gibbs and julia trubkina make out at the airport
Brandon ends his long car ride with his parents and picks up Julia at the airport. They excitedly embrace and make out for a long, long time. We know that the cameras can edit anything to make it seem like it goes on forever, but his parents are standing like two feet away.

2. Julia is excited

Julia trubkina him perfect
While we're sure that some more xenophobic viewers are going to latch onto Julia's "green card" joke, she is genuinely excited to be in the US and is clearly enamored with Brandon.

3. Those meddling producers

Brandon gibbs feels put on the spot with julia trubkina parents
Brandon is totally put on the spot when he's asked who the most important woman in his life is: his mother or Julia. Look, that's a normal thing to feel torn about for many people, not just young men with overbearing mothers why try to micromanage their lives.

4. Brandon's mom made a lot of plans

Julia trubkina f k off at overplanning
With Brandon seemingly having no agency of his own, his mom has this whole thing set up, including having Julia -- who has just gotten off of an intercontinental flight and is reunited with her fiance -- sit down to dinner with his parents so that she can talk. Julia, very relatably, would rather bang the person she loves and get some sleep than sit down for a nerve-wracking dinner right away.

5. No sex for you!

Brandon gibbs blocked by mom
Brandon admits that he's gotten "blocked" by his mom. And as everyone but Julia knows, this is just the beginning.

6. Julia is already feeling the pressure

Julia trubkina i know your mother wants to talk with me but
Brandon's mother's extremely hands-on approach probably looks very reasonable in her eyes, just as she imagines that her "house rules" are fair and reasonable. She's wrong on both counts. And speaking of those house rules . . .
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