Ugly White Twisted Nightmare: Are Black People Finally Ready To Leave Kanye West Behind For Good?

October 01, 2018

Kanye West Takes It A Step Further

Here we go, again. Kanye West was supposed to drop another album this weekend and instead decided to make a fool out of himself again. First, he put on a depressing as hell performance at SNL, complete with a pro-Trump rant that had everyone scratching their heads. Then he decided to take things a step further by going on Twitter and declaring that we should get rid of the 13th amendment. Well, sir, that’s the amendment that abolished slavery.

It seems as thought Kanye was trying to make a point about mass incarceration but he just ended up sounding dumb as hell. After all this time, all the shenanigans, all the selling out. All the stupidity, is it finally the last straw?

It sure seems like it.

Take a look as people are finally on the train of casting Kanye aside past the point of no return.

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