Michelle Williams Talks Depression Battle: “I Was Burying It [During Coachella Rehearsals]”

(Photo By Raymond Boyd/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)
Michelle Williams Opens Up About Depression Battle
Folks were shocked to find out that Michelle Williams had checked herself into a treatment facility for depression back in July. Now the former Destiny’s Child star is speaking out about her mental health and how dark things felt before she entered treatment.
She told People Magazine,
I thought I was over depression. I thought, ‘I’m good!’ I’ve got love, I’m working out. But I was so angry. The rage built up in me. I did not attempt suicide, but I was questioning [life].
Michelle added that she battled depression since she was a teen, but she started feeling the bout of hopelessness around the time she was rehearsing for Coachella with Beyonce and Kelly Rowland.
The entire year we were rehearsing every day for hours. I was burying it, and before you knew it, I was looking up out of the pit like, ‘Oh my God.’ I was like ‘No, you better go [to the hospital].’ By the time I got there, I was stable.
As for her relationship with fiancé Chad Johnshon, Michelle revealed that she broke off the engagement weeks after he popped the question, and pushed him to leave, adding:
I would’ve understood [if he left]. He’s been praying for a wife. He didn’t pray for a depressed wife.
But now the happy couple are back together and Michelle is feeling more stable than ever:
People fall off the fitness wagon, people fall of the wellness wagon, but I can’t fall off the [therapy] wagon. I have to get healed to live this happy life. And it’s not just about marrying Chad. I finally found someone to do life with.
Glad to see the songstress back in a good place.