BasketBrawl: The Lakers Had Their Home Opener And All Hell Broke Loose On The Court

Harry How/Getty Images
LeBron James Lakers Debut Marred By Fight
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you probably already know that the Lakers home opener — LeBron’s debut with the team — was interrupted by a huge on court brawl during the 4th quarter.
You can see most of this pretty clearly in the video but TMZ is reporting
that the 4th quarter catch fade began when Lakers Center, Brandon Ingram, shoved Rockets Guard, James Harden. Ingram received a technical foul for his actions but soon after Houston PG, Chris Paul and Lakers PG Rajon Rondo started throwing punches at each other. You can see Chris Paul poking Rondo in the face with a finger before Rondo threw a punch but Chris Paul and several teammates say Rondo was to blame and he spit in Paul’s face. The NBA hasn’t yet doled out punishments for those involved but stay tuned because there are likely to be some suspensions.
Hit the flip for LeBron’s post game remarks and some tweets from sports analysts on the events of last night.