9-Year-Old Who Was Wrongfully Accused Of Groping “Cornerstore Caroline” Says He Doesn’t Forgive Her

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He Says “She Needs Help”
Nine-year-old Jeremiah Harvey is speaking out after he was wrongfully accused of groping a White woman’s butt in a Brooklyn corner store.
According to ABC News, the incident happened last week when Teresa Klein called the police on Jeremiah on claims that he touched her. However, the security-camera proved differently. It showed that Jeremiah’s backpack brushed up against Klein’s backside as he passed her in the store. Jeremiah’s hands are clearly in front of him as he passes her in the video.
Klein eventually issued an apology, but the Brooklyn neighborhood was not satisfied.
Video of Klein calling 911 on Jeremiah was caught on video and went viral, causing Klein to be dubbed “Cornerstore Caroline.”
A community meeting was organized this week by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and people, including Jeremiah’s mom, spoke out about the situation.
“What happened to us respecting one another, having unity and being neighborly,” said his mom, Someko Bellille.
Jeremiah also delivered a message at the meeting. With his mom right beside him, he said, “Friendship is really the key.”
But he also didn’t necessarily have forgiveness in his heart. After the meeting, he told ABC New York station WABC, “I don’t forgive this woman, and she needs help.”
This Cornerstone Caroline situation is the latest video of White people calling the cops on Black people for the pettiest of reasons. BBQ Becky was arguably the first to gain national attention back in May.
The man who took video of Klein calling the cops, Jason Littlejohn, was adamant about the incident going viral. He posted the video to Facebook and by Monday it had over 8 million views.
“We’re definitely going to make a movement out here,” Littlejohn said in his Sunday Facebook post. “We’re going to stop people — I will say, people — from dialing 911 unnecessarily. … It’s gotta stop, people. … We will not let this continue to happen.”