Well, Die: 18-Year-Old British Clucker With Knife In Back Refuses Doctor’s Treatment Because He’s Black

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Teen Charged With Racially Aggravated Public Offense After Refusing Black Doctor
What is wrong with people? A racist British teen is making headlines for compromising her life because of the race of a helpful physician. According to The Mirror, the teenager, Zena Edwards was taken to hospital with a stab wound to her back refused to be treated by a doctor because he was black. The wounded 18-year-old had just been picked up by officers after a home was raided for reasons that were undisclosed.
According to the report, when the doctor tried to clean the wound Zena Edwards shouted: “You can’t clean it; you are dirty yourself.”
Wow. Here actions actually landed her in Llandudno magistrates’ court where the District Judge Gwyn Jones told the 18-year-old: “A doctor working in hospital should not have to be subjected to such appalling behaviour.”
Edwards pleaded guilty to a racially aggravated public order offense, two charges of assaulting police officers (for spitting at them) and one of possessing a small amount of cocaine.
If you’re interested in how this heaux looks, her photo is here. It’s ALWAYS withering White women being racist like this. SMH