French President Offers Expedited Citizenship And Firefighting Job To Undocumented Worker From Mali Who Saved Child Dangling From Balcony

French “Spiderman” Mamoudou Gassama Honored By President For Saving 4-Year-Old
This story just got even happier… A Malian migrant worker named Mamoudou Gassema has even more reason to celebrate after being honored by France’s President Emmanuel Macron days after scaling a building to save a 4-year-old dangling from a balcony. Gassema has been given his temporary residence permit and offered a job as a firefighter. In case you somehow missed it, here’s the clip.
VIDÉO – Un homme a escaladé à mains nues la façade d'un immeuble hier après-midi dans le 18ème à #Paris pour secourir un petit garçon de 4 ans accroché à un balcon. (Snapchat)
— Brèves de presse (@Brevesdepresse) May 27, 2018
Gassema’s actions earned him praise from all over the world and he was given the moniker “Spider-Man of the 18th Arrondissement” by Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo. During his meeting with President Macron, he was promised that his naturalization process would be fast-tracked and he could soon join the firefighting service.
According to NY Daily News reports, the child’s father was shopping and was furthered delayed when he decided to play the Pokémon Go as his son’s life was in danger. The boy’s mother was visiting relatives on Réunion Island, a department of France in the Indian Ocean, but she has since returned to Paris Monday night. The woman told the press she had video-chatted with her husband and son just a half hour before the scare, which she saw after she was called by the police.
“I don’t justify the act of my husband. It could have happened to other people, like it has already happened to other people. My son was lucky,” she said.
The father of the boy was taken into custody after his rescue, but his wife says he’s been released. He will face his case for parental neglect in September.
SMH @ that dad… playing Pokemon Go and his kid was almost Pokemon GONE!