Exclusive: “Black Ink Crew: Chicago’s” Charmaine Talks Ryan’s Beige Rage, Her New Natural Look And Whether She Got Knifed Up

Courtesy VH1
Black Ink Crew Chicago’s Charmaine Talks About Her Evolution And Ryan’s Toxic Attack On 9 Mag
If you’ve already seen the supertrailer for Season 4 of “Black Ink Crew: Chicago” then you probably have a pretty good idea about just how crazy things have gotten for the 9 Mag crew… We chopped it up with Charmaine about the new season, her new look and the real on Ryan as well as whether or not she went under the knife… Check out our Q&A when you continue.
BOSSIP: You have a new look for Season 4, let’s talk about it!
Charmaine: Even with all the drama that’s going on this season, my new look is the hardest thing that I have ever dealt with when it comes to black girl hair! So I’m natural now.
BOSSIP: Congratulations.
Charmaine: See! The fact that you have to congratulate a black girl on wearing her own hair, you know it’s a job. Don’t get me wrong, I wore weaves all through college… but I found myself not being comfortable with my own hair. I found myself not knowing how to even do my own hair and as a black woman that doesn’t even make sense. My childhood was spent in the kitchen with a hot comb and my mom, you know, figuring out how to do my hair.
Also now that I’m on the radio, I do a lot of things in the community and all these young black girls, they’re like 9 and 10-years-old, have natural hair and I felt like when they look at me I want them to see themselves in me. It’s bigger than me not knowing how to do my hair. It’s a purpose and I’m rocking with it. Every once in awhile I’ll throw in some clip-ins when I need to, but other than that I am rocking my natural hair.
I have to twist it up every day because I don’t have that wash and go type hair… You just gotta figure it out. I love being natural now because I feel like young black girls can look at me as a role model, and I don’t look like every girl on tv with the red hair, with the blue hair, with the green hair. I just wanted to go back to something realistic for the children out there.
BOSSIP: You gotta love yourself. Speaking of which, your man is in Africa right now. How has that been going?
Charmaine: You know! Facetime. We good. We get to see each other. He is very accessible. Him being in Africa and everything he is doing over there is great. He created a weather station in an area where they didn’t have that. He is in Buea, Cameroon. It has definitely been a growing experience for both of us, but it brings us closer for sure.
BOSSIP: Do you regret proposing to Neek? Did you catch any flak?
Charmaine: I was drunk and desperate. I didn’t catch any flak. He understood. He thought it was cute, but he was like ‘Girl get up. You ain’t gotta do all that. If anybody is proposing to anybody I am gonna be proposing to you so don’t bruise your knee.’ We wear our rings on our right hand. They are love rings and it just keeps us remembering what we have.
BOSSIP: We’ve devoted several posts to you and your BAWWWDY… We know you had cool sculpting but eople want to know if you’ve had other work done.
Charmaine: So the cool sculpting definitely works, but I am all about keeping it 100 for all my girls out there. There are a lot of girls out there who will never say they had plastic surgery when they are looking perfect, while there are tons of women out there that don’t look like that and it doesn’t make sense… So yeah, girl I had to go get me some lipo.
I did not put it [the fat] anywhere. My booty, that’s all me. We can thank my Mama. It looks a lot bigger because my waist is so small now. My FUPA was strong it was definitely strong. It was growing a muscle and I had to get it removed.
Now I just feel normal. I’m not self-conscious. The third season, I was so self-conscious. It’s not really anything that resonated on camera, but you know as a woman I already had to worry about the way my hair looks and I didn’t want to have to focus on my body and how uncomfortable I was. Now that’s just the last thing I am thinking of. It’s just so crazy because it used to be the only thing I was thinking of.
I would take pictures and post them on Instagram shouting out the jumpsuit I was wearing, but nobody was talking about the jumpsuit. It was like, ‘Charmaine you’re gaining weight. You’re getting fat.’ It was a decision I had to make. I’m a naturally thick girl. I can eat healthy but if I’m not vegan or something, I don’t think it’d work. Now I feel better. I feel comfortable and I didn’t go the extra mile and put something in my butt. I already naturally have that shape and I don’t want to look like every other girl out there who buys her body. No disrespect to that. They look good, but they all look the same. It’s not something I feel like everybody has to do.
Are you surprised by Charmaine’s admission or did you already suspect as much?
Hit the flip to find out if Charmaine is back on speaking terms with Ryan or nah…