This Orphan Kitty Walked Up To A Dog Who Lost Her Puppies And Convinced The Doggy To Become Her Mom
Remember Mohammad Alaa Jaleel, better known as The Cat Man Of Aleppo? He’s still providing a refuge for cats that have been left behind because of war in Syria. His house, a permanent residence for about 80 felines, has just become home for an unlikely friendship between a dog and a cat that found their missing pieces in each other.
Recently, he met a street dog and began taking care of it as well. After discovering that she was pregnant, Alaa gave up his room so the mother could have a comfortable resting place. A couple of weeks ago, the dog they eventually named Amira went into labor. Sadly, all three of her pups were stillborn.
“We were sad and shocked… We gave her a stuffed teddy bear and tried to cuddle with her because she was very sad,” Alessandra Abidin, volunteer of the rescue group, told Love Meow.
Then and there, Junior, a kitten they took in from the streets as well, noticed the teddy bear, and decided to approach it and the dog for some cuddles. Junior slowly made her way to Amira. She then rubbed her face on Amira, and so their beautiful friendship began. They ditched the teddy and sank their paws into one another.
“We found them playing together, and the kitten climbed on her back, and (Amira) was completely fine and even seemed to be smiling,” Alessandra said. They share food, play and even take naps together. They both had a tough start but overcame the devastating grief with sweet, sweet love.
More info: Facebook (h/t lovemeow)