SMH: ‘Black Ink Crew’s Ceaser Reportedly Lies About Winning Tattoo Infection Lawsuit On The Show

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Blank Ink Crew Star Lies About Winning A Lawsuit On Show
A woman who is suing Harlem’s Black Ink Tattoo Studio for giving her an infection found out some interesting information last week, when she tuned into VH1’s reality series about the parlor.
Ceaser Emanuel announces at a party in the latest episode of Black Ink Crew that he just got off the phone with his lawyer, saying, “Yo, we beat our case, yo…We ain’t giving no f—ing infected tattoo.” But it looks like that might not actually be true.
According to reports from The New York Post, Long Islander Loni Tate’s case against the tattoo shop is still ongoing — and now she’s demanding an apology for the false information. The 34-year-old told The Post, “He made me and my lawyer look bad, because he didn’t win the case. The case still active and we’re still fighting.”
Tate sued the shop back in 2015, after sshe went in to get four roses tattooed on her left forearm — she says that she wound up in hospital days later with an infection that has now left her permanently scarred. “When I first got the tattoo, about three days after, my arm felt like it was on fire. It hurt so bad, and I noticed that day by day the color was coming out. After a while, my arm was a bunch of pus,” she explains.
A lawyer for Black Ink responded, saying that neither Tate nor the specifics of her case are identified in the episode — meaning Emanuel could have been referring to another lawsuit against the business that was dismissed in 2016. But Tate’s attorney isn’t buying it. He points out that Emanuel specifically says “infected” — while the woman in the earlier case only alleged she was burned and scarred by her tattoo.
“For Black Ink to now prematurely claim victory is a complete falsity and grossly misleading,” her lawyer said. “The viewers of this show have been lied to and we expect VH1 to issue a statement.”
Neither VH1 nor Emanuel have made any comments about the matter.