Really?! Gym-Goers Are Suing Equinox For Reportedly Letting Men Have Orgies In The Steam Room

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Equinox Sued Over Alleged Neglect Of Inappropriate Behavior
According to reports fromThe New York Post, One Manhattan Equinox location is letting its members hold orgies in their steam room, a lawsuit claims.
One man, who complained after a masturbating stranger allegedly laid a hand on him during a steam, said he heard the orgy claim from a manager in October. He is one of five men who came together in a new class-action lawsuit against the gym franchise, claiming that Equinox ignores “the reprehensible conduct occurring in [its] steam rooms.”
In the lawsuit, the 34-year-old marketing rep (identified as R.S. in the suit) claims that twice in three days, he got more than expected when he went in for a steam at the Columbus Circle location.
He told his story to The Post, explaining, “The next thing I know I feel a hand on my thigh and I jump up and I say, ‘What the hell!’ and there’s one guy sitting there masturbating and the guy who touched me was masturbating as well.” R.S. says he reported the incident to a locker room attendant, but still saw the man working out the next day.
When he encountered even more inappropriate behavior on his next visit to the steam room, he escalated his complaint–which is when a manager mentioned the Thursday night orgies, where a clique took over the steam room.
An Equinox spokeswoman claims that the gym revokes the memberships of those accused of lewd behavior.