I Can See your Halo: Beyoncé Just Bought Her Own Church In New Orleans for $850,000

May 20, 2018


Beyoncé Buys A 7,500 Square Foot Church In New Orleans

Beyoncé is now the proud owner of her very own church.

According to TMZ, Bey just purchased a stone structured, 7,500 square foot, New Orleans church–which is more than 100 years old. The property was listed at $850,000, which is what reports are assuming the superstar paid for the building. Beyoncé’s sister Solange reportedly lives nearby.

Though the church was built in the early 1900s, but has been out of commission as a place of worship for quite a while, due to its church members passing away.

We all know that once services start at this church, Mrs. Knowles Carter won’t have any issue getting people to come worship with her; A church in San Francisco recently held the first ever “Beyonce Mass,” and had more than 900 people show up for it.

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