Fenty Savage Seduction: Rihanna’s VOGUE Cover Will Melt You Into Bubbling Body Lava

May 03, 2018

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Rihanna Covers VOGUE, Talks Turning 30 And Boyfriend Hassan Jameel

Our favorite Bajan Bad Gal’s done it again.

Rihanna is once again covering VOGUE and looking better than a fresh batch of her Fenty Body Lava. For the piece, Rihanna spoke with writer Chioma Nnadi who kicked it with her in Paris.

The writer and RihRih spoke on a number of topics including Rih’s milestone 30th birthday and her love life while helping “ChiChi” (as Rihanna comfortably called her) pick out dates on Tinder.

Must be niiiiiice…

On Hassan Jameel (who she doesn’t call by name):

“I used to feel guilty about taking personal time,” she says, “but I also think I never met someone who was worth it before.” Though she’s reluctant to talk about her partner by name, rumors have been swirling around her connection to Hassan Jameel, a young Saudi businessman, since paparazzi photos of her vacationing with a handsome stranger in Spain made the rounds last summer. These recent romantic developments are, however, part of a much bigger sea change for Rihanna, who turned 30 this year.”

On work-life balance:

“For the first time in her life, she’s fully committed to a healthy work-life balance. “Even mentally, just to be away from my phone, to be in the moment, that has been key for my growth,” she says. “Now, when I come to work, I’m all in. Because before you know it, the years will go by. I’m glad I’m taking the time. I’m happy.”

Mert Alas And Marcus Pigott

On turning 30:

“OK, so now that I’m 30, are there things I’m supposed to do? Should I be worried? Should I be freezing my eggs? What do you do at 30?!”

On Fenty Beauty’s 40 shades:

“As a black woman, I could not live with myself if I didn’t do that,” she says. “But what I didn’t anticipate was the way people would get emotional about finding their complexion on the shelf, that this would be a groundbreaking moment.”

There’s also a part of the piece where she notes that during that awkward moment at the VMAs where Drake publicly declared his love for her, she felt “uncomfortable.” She now says they’re no longer friends.

Click here to read that and see reactions.

Are you feeling Bad Gal Rih Rih’s VOGUE cover and spread???

Mert Alas And Marcus Pigott

More on the flip.

Photo Credit: VOGUE, Mert Alas, And Marcus Pigott

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