Ex-Friend Files: 50 Cent Pettily Posts Floyd Mayweather’s Texts After He Does THIS With Teairra Mari

Denise Truscello/WireImage
50 Cent Blasts Floyd Mayweather Over Tearri Mari Party
50 Cent is none too pleased with his boxing bestie and it all centers around Teairra Mari.
On Saturday 50 called out Floyd Mayweather on Instagram for working with Teairra and having her host a Memorial Day party at his Girls Collection strip club.
The move clearly pissed off 50 considering that Teairra’s suing him for sharing part of her freaky flick.
“Somebody please tell me why Floyd would be doing this right now,” said 50.
50 then pettily posted texts between him and Floyd showing the champ accusing him of hanging with a “snitch” and being disloyal for being cool with his ex Miss Jackson.
Miss Jackson is suing Floyd in a Gloria Allred backed domestic abuse lawsuit and Floyd’s suing Miss Jackson for allegedly stealing thousands from him.

Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images
According to 50 however, he’s not in the wrong and he technically HAS to be cordial with Miss Jackson considering that she’s still friends with his baby’s mother Daphne Joy.
What do YOU think about 50 and Floyd’s beef? It is kinda shady to use the woman suing your “friend” to host a party.