Javi Marroquin Blasts Kailyn Lowry: STFU About Lauren Comeau! Get Over Yourself!

September 22, 2021

So much for rumors of a romantic reconciliation.

Just a month-plus since fans started to wonder whether Javi Marroquin and Kailyn Lowry were back together, the former couple has proven that there's only one thing they are back to doing:

Fighting over social media.

Yes, here we go again, folks.

kail and company

The latest back-and-forth between Javi and Kailyn -- who shares custody of seven-year old son Lincoln -- got underwa after Lowry posted a glib message via Instagram stories a few days ago.

“Shout out to Chris and Lauren for calling me a fat f***, fat POS, and told me to get running,” she wrote.

This is a reference to Lowry's two-time baby daddy, Chris Lopez, with whom she is forever feuding; and Marroquin's ex-fiancee, Lauren Comeau.

The latter and Javi also have a son together, two-year old Eli.

Lowry has been going at Lopez about body-shaming ever since the two split up, really.

Marroquin doesn't seem to care one bit about what either side of that rivalry says about the other.

But when it comes to Comeau?

Who Javi really did seem to love at one point, despite cheating on her and therefore ending their engagement last year?

javi blasts

Marroquin wasn't about to sit idly by.

Taking to Instagram Live in response to Lowry's remarks, Javi acknowledged that Lopez and Comeau made some mean comments about Kailyn -- but he said they were uttered months ago and Kailyn should just get over it.

“[Don’t] make my son’s mom out to be someone she’s not,” Javi said.

"[Comeau] said some s*** when s*** went down. It is what it is and it’s over with now.”

Marroquin and Lowry were married from 2012 to 2016.

They had seemingly been on amicable terms in recent months... until this incident.

“We’re damn near 30 years old at this point,” Marroquin continued, blaming Kailyn for poisoning their child's mind.

“Lincoln can f****** read at this point. I’m tired of my son living in this f****** world and this is why I stopped filming and I refuse to go back to this life.”

Marroquin hammered this point home to Kailyn in his rant, hoping to make her realize the effect her words can now have on a young man who is no longer an infant.

“He came up to me not too long ago. He Googles his name an article came up of oh, ‘Javi abandoned Isaac’ and he asked me like, ‘Yo dad is this true?'” Marroquin said.

“My son can f****** read it’s time to grow the f*** up. Damn. Y’all got me cursing on here for no reason. Grow the f*** up.”

Lowry, meanwhile, has said previously that she's in counseling, prompting Javi to wonder why she hasn't made any progress.

“All this therapy bulls***, you’re growing and learning, just stop,” he said.

“F***. Stop talking about Lauren.

"Lauren hasn’t said shit about Kail in months.”

Marroquin continued to defend his latest ex as follows:

“Lauren is not this type of person. It’s over with. It’s for the birds. I’m sick of this s***. Like, God damn.”

Kailyn subsequently watched Marroquin's diatribe and apologized, taking responsibility for her role in an escalating feud and coming to an understanding that she needs to tread more carefully for the sake of all kids involved.

Just kidding. She didn't do that at all.

Yes, Lowry admitted, she once slammed Comeau as a c-nt.

But body-shaming is so much worse, she whined!

“Saying fuck you to somebody … to me does not hold as much weight as attacking someone for their weight or what they look like, Lowry explained.

“That is much heavier. That holds more weight… It has been affecting me.”

This reply seemed to be missing each and every one of Marroquin's points, yet Lowry didn't let up.

“I would be lying if I said it didn’t bother me. Y’all listened to me cry back on my podcast in March when I got my PCOS diagnosis,” she said.

“It has truly affected me in more ways than I would imagine.”

That sucks, to be sure.

However, Kailyn's feelings are now the main issue right here and now.

It's the way she has chosen to deal with Lauren's hurtful remarks and how going public in the manner she so often does may have consequences for her son.

Lowry, though, simply added she probably wouldn’t be upset about someone calling her a c-nt as much as mocking her size.

“When you attack someone for how they look and what they look like and are fat-shaming them, that’s personal,” she said.

“That’s very personal. This is something that has motivated me and has been on my mind for several weeks now.

“It’s bad to read it on the internet, but when it comes from people that you know it your life that sucks and it stings a little different."

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