Britney Spears' Attorney Blasts Jamie for Extortion: Resign Before You're Suspended!

September 01, 2021

It turns out that Jamie Spears' alleged promise to step down as conservator comes with a price tag.

The widely reviled father of Britney Spears is demanding about $2 million as a payout from his daughter.

That may sound like some kind of sick joke, but it's not funny.

Britney's new attorney certainly isn't laughing -- and he's telling Jamie to resign before he's suspended in disgrace.

On Monday, August 30, Mathew Rosengart filed documents in court seeking the immediate suspension of Jamie Spears as conservator.

Britney Spears has wanted her awful father out of her conservatorship since before its inception.

Now that she has finally been permitted to hire her own attorney, after more than thirteen years, she is able to take action and hopefully get her way.

Rosengart's filing also took aim at Jamie's response to the motion to remove him as estate conservator.

Jamie had insisted that he would step down "when the time is right," a vague at best timeframe contingent upon an "orderly" transition of power.

Rosengart argues that this is not good enough -- especially considering that all of this would be according ot Jamie's opinions.

Now, Mathew Rosengart has spoken to People to explain his position as Britney's legal representative.

"Mr. Spears was forced to concede in his Aug. 12, 2021, 'First Response' to Britney Spears's Petition to remove him that he must depart," he said.

"And," Rosengart emphasized, "his departure is now inexorable."

"As we wrote in our new filing with the Court, however," Rosengart continued.

He explained that "the quid pro quo preconditions that Mr. Spears sought in his Aug. 12, 2021, court filing are inappropriate and unacceptable."

Jamie's alleged promise to step away from the role came with some steep caveats.

Britney's almost universally despised father said that he would only (voluntarily) resign in exchange for substantial payments.

These are payments including $1.4 million in Jamie's attorneys' fees and payouts to others, including Tri-Star Sports & Entertainment Group.

$2 million might seem like a small price to pay for Britney's freedom ... but that doesn't mean that she should pay it.

"Britney Spears will not be bullied or extorted by her father," Rosengart affirmed.

"Nor does Mr. Spears have the right to try to hold his daughter hostage by setting the terms of his removal," he emphasized.

"This is not about him, it is about the best interests of his daughter," Rosengart noted, "which as a matter of law, mandate his removal."

"Even putting aside the legal issues requiring his prompt removal," Rosengart continued.

He said that "if he loves his daughter, Mr. Spears should resign now, today, before he is suspended."

Rosengart, bringing up a topic seemingly foreign to Jamie, added that "It would be the correct and decent thing to do."

Rosengart did not stop there, calling out Jamie's attorney, Vivian Lee Thoreen.

Thoreen has gone to bat for Jamie again and again, claiming that he's doing all of this because of his "love" for Britney.

Rosengart isn't buying it any more than anyone else.

"While Mr. Spears professes his purported 'love' and 'support' of his daughter," Rosengart began.

He noted that Jamie did so "even as he stripped her of her autonomy and dignity and engaged in abusive conduct toward her."

Rosengart explained that "his First Response reveals his true motivations: to receive or make large monetary payments."

"Regardless of the past, Mr. Spears and his counsel are now on notice," Rosengart affirmed.

He highlighted that "the status quo is no longer tolerable."

"And," Rosengart, added, "Britney Spears will not be extorted."

"Mr. Spears's blatant attempt to barter suspension and removal," Rosengart stated.

Jamie wants to do so "in exchange for approximately $2 million in payments."

This would be "on top of the millions already reaped from Ms. Spears's estate by Mr. Spears and his associates, is a non-starter."

Jamie also claimed in his response that there was no urgency for his resignation, but Rosengart is clapping back hard.

"The world heard Ms. Spears's courageous and compelling testimony," he pointed out.

"Britney Spears's life matters. Her well-being matters," Rosengart added. "Every day matters. There is no basis to wait."

"Notwithstanding the stringent restrictions of HIPAA, he has gone so far in his filing as to discuss alleged details of Ms. Spears's mental state," Rosengart added.

"Mr. Spears levies allegations of Ms. Spears's 'issues,'" he observed.

Jamie also "makes gratuitous comments on the amounts spent on Ms. Spears's medical care."

Rosengart noted that Jamie "questions whether Ms. Spears understands or remembers what has been done to her."

"And," he continued, Jamie "makes other inapt claims."

Britney's father does all of this "while also attacking Conservator of the Person Jodi Montgomery."

Rosengart also noted that "seven pages" of Jamie's response was spent "airing grievances" towards his ex-wife, Lynne Spears.

Britney's mother filed a petition with the court encouraging the judge to permit Britney to hire her own attorney.

Lynne also informed the court that Britney has a "fear and hatred" of her father.

"Lynne Spears does, indeed, support Mr. Spears's suspension and removal," Rosengart acknowledged.

"But," he continued, "the Petition must be granted regardless of her views."

In other words, the legitimacy of the push to remove Jamie is not dependent upon any one person; it's simply the right thing to do.

"As the Petition made abundantly clear," Rosengart continued.

He explained that "it is Mr. Spears's independent adverse impact on his daughter's life, well-being, and best interests that requires the Petition be granted."

"That Mr. Spears would use this solemn occasion to pick one more fight with his ex-wife (the mother of his daughter) speaks volumes," Rosengart observed.

Rosengart has also asked the court to suspend Jamie during the next hearing.

That hearing is scheduled to take place on September 29.

Jamie might not care about doing the right thing, but he could avoid being suspended if he simply resigns now.

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