Kit Harington Isn’t Revealing Game of Thrones Spoilers, Even on SNL

April 06, 2019

It’s been a minute since we’ve had a good old fashioned Q&A monologue on Saturday Night Live, and what better opportunity to pump Kit Harington for Game of Thrones spoilers? Harington was pumped for info by writers pretending to be audience members, his co-stars, and even the Night King (Pete Davidson). The only person who doesn’t seem to care is Harington’s wife, Rose Leslie. She just wants to know how they’re going to make money now. “We’ll be okay,” said Harington. “I’ll make my jewelry, and you’ll have your little songs.” The SNL writers even through in a little joke for Emilia Clarke about how everyone thinks she and Kit are really fucking. A bold move when is wife’s in the room, Emilia.

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