Cops Kill People: Alabama Police Have Changed Stories TWICE About Emantic Bradford Shooting Death
Hoover Cops Renege On Initial Story Regarding Enamtic Bradford’s Death
Last week we reported that Emantic Bradford was killed by police in Birmingham, Alabama following a shooting where an 18-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl were both shot.
At the time police reported that as they approached the scene they saw Bradford retreating while “brandishing” a firearm. According to CNN, that story has now changed, twice, but Bradford is still dead. For no reason.
Here’s what’s happened since our initial report: Monday morning Hoover police released a statement saying that they are 100% certain that Bradford was packing heat.
“We extend sympathy to the family of Emantic J. Bradford of Hueytown, who was shot and killed during Hoover Police efforts to secure the scene in the seconds following the original altercation and shooting,” a joint statement from the city and police department said.
“We can say with certainty Mr. Bradford brandished a gun during the seconds following the gunshots, which instantly heightened the sense of threat to approaching police officers responding to the chaotic scene.”
In addition to being an army vet, Bradford’s parents say he was legally licensed to carry.
Now, the Hoover police department’s NEW story is that Bradford did not “brandish” a weapon. Brandish means to show, aim, or hold menacingly toward someone. Now the cops are saying that although Emantic was in possession of gun officers weren’t fearful for their lives because he was not pointing it at them or near them.
Family attorney Ben Crump is working on setting up a meeting with city officials and possibly get a chance to see the security footage that has reportedly been obtained.
“(The officer) saw a black man with a gun and he made his determination that he must be a criminal,” Crump said.
Meanwhile, the actual shooter, the man who injured people and could have killed many more, he’s still running the streets somewhere and the police have no idea where he is or who he is.
Outstanding police work…smh. Clowns.