WTF?! High School Teacher Accused Of Dropping Student’s Grade Because They Stopped Having Sex

September 25, 2018


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High School Teacher Drops Grade After Fling With Student

A high school teacher in South Carolina–who has been accused of having a sexual relationship with a student–reportedly lowered his grade when he refused her advances, a lawsuit charges.

Jennifer Olajire-Aro was charged with sexual battery back in December, but now it’s the Charleston County School District that was named in the lawsuit filed by the student and his mother on Thursday.

The lawsuit alleges that the school district has a “history of employees engaging in romantic relationships with students” and has failed to properly supervise Olajire-Aro for her conduct in and out of the classroom.

The Burke High School teacher flirted with the student and engaged “in conversations about sex” before, during, and after math class, according to the lawsuit. Both the suit and authorities allege that she coerced the student into having sexual intercourse on multiple occasions while actually on school grounds, in her vehicle, and at her “primary residence.” The lawsuit also states that Olajire-Aro even encouraged him to have sex in the presence of her 10-month-old baby.

According to the lawsuit, the teacher pressured her student to have sex by reminding him that “she alone controlled what grade he would receive” in her class. When he started resisting, she allegedly changed one of his grades from 98 to 89.

After receiving his final math grade for the term, the student ended up telling his mother about Olajire-Aro, and she proceeded to tell authorities. The teacher was arrested in December, and her case is still pending.

At the time of her arrest, Olajire-Aro was married, and is the mother of at least one child, according to the Post and Courier newspaper.

“She is an awesome teacher but she is a hellacious person for what she did,” the student’s mother said about the case at a hearing in December, according to the newspaper. “He is 17, 17. He is not an adult. … Emotionally, he is not ready for this. I’m not ready for the texts, the phone calls, the comments.”

As of now, Olajire-Aro remains a paid employee of the school district, according to the lawsuit.

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