Uhhh: Lil Xan Rushed To The Hospital After Putting Too Much Of THIS In His System

September 25, 2018

Image via Theo Wargo/Getty Images for Billboard

Lil Xan Hospitalized Yesterday

Lil Xan is one of these typical Soundcloud mumble rappers who most self-respecting hip-hop fan wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. His name alone is a symptom of the era that we live in where rappers ingest so many pills and drugs that it’s a wonder that they can perform at all.

That said, Lil Xan was rushed to the hospital yesterday and you probably think you know why, but we promise you, you have no idea.

Monday evening the rapper posted a photo of himself riding in the back of an ambulance to his Instagram story and immediately his fans panicked, thinking that yet another rapper would lose his life in 2018.

Thing is, it wasn’t anywhere near that deep. In fact, it’s dumb as hell. Xan took to Instagram to calm fans down and explain what happened.

Instagram Photo

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, Lil Xan got a lil’ too handsy with the Flaming Hot Cheetos and ripped something in his stomach. Let this be a lesson to you all. Snack safely.

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