The Onika Effect: Tiffany Foxx Says Nicki Minaj Once Stopped Her From Being Nominated For An Award And Walking A Red Carpet [Video]
Nicki Minaj has made several enemies out of female rappers, and no one’s holding their tongue (or shoe) these days.
Tiffany Foxx sat down with Ts Madison on The Queen’s Supreme Court and revealed her own personal story of the time Nicki allegedly stopped her from being nominated for an award and walking the red carpet. She said,
“She doesn’t want to look like she’s hating, or being emotional or pressed, so she does just enough so it’ll make it like she supports somebody. Don’t be bitter and don’t be hating on other girls. I’m not saying this just because the masses is saying this. Nicki has definitely interrupted me being on red carpets. Times I’m suppose to be nominated — out of no where, it’s a problem. And it gets back to me that it’s affiliated with her.”
Back in 2013 when Foxx aligned herself with Lil Kim in the midst of Kim’s beef with Nicki, Tiffany made it clear that she had nothing against Minaj and even praised her for being talented.
My, oh my how things change.