Survivor Stories: Jeannie Mai Reveals She Was Molested By A Family Member As A Child [VIDEO]

September 26, 2018

Jeannie Mai Olivia TuTram Mai

Nicky Nelson/

Jeannie Mai Tells Her Sex Abuse Survival Story

Kudos to Jeannie Mai for her bravery in speaking up and coming forward with her sex abuse survivor story. On Mpnday’s episode of “The Real,” Jeannie spoke up in defense of Prof. Christine Blasey Ford, who has been both supported and vilified after coming forward to allege Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her when they were in high school. Jeannie shared how she was molested as a child but did not manage to report the abuse until years after it ended.

“As a person who was sexually assaulted at a young age by somebody very close to me, I remember the trifecta that I would continuously process which is: fear, anger, shame, fear, anger, shame. Fear: What’s going to happen to our family if I say something and out this person? Anger: Why did you just sit there? Why did you let this go on for four years? What’s wrong with you?” she said.

Mai said her situation was further complicated because her abuser was someone she cared about.

“There’s a little bit of a Stockholm Syndrome in there too because if somebody who’s a stranger did it to me, oh I know what to do. I know how to wile out, I got that down, but when it’s somebody you trust, somebody you know that you actually are supposed to love or believe in, you just freeze.”

Jeannie revealed that she eventually did open up about the assaults, but that it took her several years.

“But if it took me two years or it took me 20 years, it does not invalidate what happened to me,” Mai said.

This is so sad. Prayers up for Jeannie after suffering such traumatic experiences. She’s so brave for speaking up now, she very well could be helping other young women in the same situation!

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