Someone Is Poisoning The Wokies: Jesse Williams’ Tasteless Emmett Till Memes Are Getting Him Tossed The Hell Out Of Here

September 25, 2018

jesse williams emmitt till movie

Adriana M. Barraza/

Jesse Williams Gets Dragged For Tasteless Meme

What the hell is happening in woke Twitter? First everyone lost their damn minds jumping out the window to defend white lady after legitimate questions were raised about her qualifications to run the Hip-Hop section of the African-American museum in DC. We thought it was over after people sent out their apologies, but nooooope. Now Jesse Williams, the beacon of light-skinded light for the woke amongst us, made a cotdamn fool of himself by turning images of Mamie Till into a Nike meme.

Why? Because he wants to promote his Emmett Till movie.

This…this wasn’t well thought out at all. Do better, Jesse. it really seems like since he gave that BET speech, things have been topsy turvy for him. He’s embroiled in a nasty custody and child support fight with his ex-wife and now he’s using black pain for Twitter likes. What the hell, man?

The tweets have since been deleted but they are Mamie crying with the now-iconic NIKE Kaepernick ad lingo over it. This is one of the dumbest things imaginable. Twitter noticed and came for his scalp. Take a look…

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