Aw Helllllll Nah: MTA Pulls Half A Dozen Buses After Drivers Spot Bed Bugs…Allegedly

September 25, 2018

MTA Buses Pulled From Service Due To Possible Infestation

U.S. cities are rarely clean, but NYC takes “God made dirt and dirt don’t hurt” to new levels. Between having rats as neighbors and roaches as roommates, there’s a lot going on in The Big Apple. Add in the growing bed bug infestation and you begin to wonder if living in the overcrowded concrete jungle is all it’s cracked up to be? And don’t even get us started on the sky high rent, ’cause whew chile.

According to new reports, the MTA had to pull at least six buses from service because they might be crawling with bed bugs. However, an MTA spokesman claims it was just a precautionary measure. “We have no confirmed samples of bed bugs on buses; this is a precautionary measure,” the spokesman told WABC. “When a bus is suspected of having bed bugs, we immediately quarantine it for inspection, and treatment is done if necessary.” Ok, buddy. 

The drivers saw what they saw. WABC states: “The buses are in isolation, on the outskirts of the Kingsbridge Bus Depot. They are out of service and quarantined after drivers say bed bugs were believed to be crawling in the seats of at least six buses in the past three weeks.”

A union shop steward also told the news outlet, “This is the most I’ve seen this year. Usually we would never see buses knocked out for bed bugs. It seems to be an epidemic that’s spreading.” Adding, “At one point in time our buses were regularly fumigated and there would be a sticker placed on the bus with a note that it was fumigated. This practice seems to have ceased for whatever reasons.”

If you’re living in NYC and use public transportation, it sounds like you need to stick to taking the train for the time being. If one bed bug hops on to your clothing on the bus, there’s obviously a chance that you’ll spread the infestation to your home.


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