Teenager Dies After Falling In Shower While Getting Ready For School

June 06, 2018

A Pennsylvania teen has died after suffering from a fatal fall in the shower on Friday.

Brianne Marie Rapp was getting herself ready for school when the tragic accident happened. The 17-year old reportedly blacked out due to a thyroid condition she had.


When she fainted, her hair allegedly clogged the drain which caused her to drown.

The teen’s father learned of the news from his ex-wife, who was sleeping when the tragedy happened.

“She was hysterical on the phone and she told me she was gone,” Michael Rapp said. ““I thought maybe she ran away or something. I didn’t realize she meant she passed away.”

“We’re thinking she blacked out in the bathtub and fell and hit her head and was found by my ex,” he said. “We don’t know if maybe hair clogged the drain but the tub overflowed.”


Though an autopsy has been done, the results have not yet been released. But according to the family, the likely cause of the girl’s death was drowning.

“I’ll miss her smiling face and her great personality and wanting the best out of life,” Rapp said. “Her mother and I are so proud to have raised a girl that people have so many nice things to say.”

A GoFundMe page which was set up for the teen’s funeral expenses recently reached its goal. The family announced that the leftover money will be placed in a college trust fund for Brianne’s brother and sister in memory of the teen.

The post Teenager Dies After Falling In Shower While Getting Ready For School appeared first on Pulptastic.

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