Profiling: TN Woman Handcuffed And Humiliated After Returning A Bra To Victoria’s Secret To Have A Forgotten Security Sensor Removed [Video]

June 09, 2018

Jovita Jones Cage realized that the person working the cash wrap at the Collierville Victoria’s Secret she had visited over the weekend had forgotten to remove the security sensor on a bra she purchased. On Monday, she took the bra back to have it removed, thinking it would be a simple fix.

She explained the situation to an employee and left the bag at the register while she continued to browse the store, with the intention to possibly purchase more items. However, as she was shopping, a police officer came directly to her and handcuffed her, no questions asked. Apparently, a worker at the store pegged her as a shoplifter and instantly called the police without further inquiring on why she had a bra with a sensor still on it.

We’ll give you one good guess as to why the store manager automatically thought she was a shoplifter. SMH.


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