Hoy En Mi Gente News: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28-Years-Old, Defeats Big Bank Democratic Incumbent In Congressional Primary

June 27, 2018

Image via Scott Heins/Getty Images

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Win Congressional Primary Over Joe Crowley

Things they are a-changin’. The Donald Trump presidency is bringing about extraordinary motivation for marginalized people to become active in the political process and upcoming elections will be affected in a way that we’ve never seen.

Enter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The 28-year-old latina and first time candidate defeated money-laden, 10-term Democratic incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley for a seat in 14th congressional district of New York according to CNN.

This is no small feat. Crowley is the fourth highest ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives and his fundraising outdid Ocasio-Cortez’s 10 to 1.

“This is not an end, this is the beginning. This is the beginning because the message that we sent the world tonight is that it’s not OK to put donors before your community,” Ocasio-Cortez told roaring supporters on Tuesday night.

Ocasio is described as a “democratic socialist” a la Bernie Sanders who ran on the platform of universal health care, a federal jobs guarantee and the abolition of ICE.

Again, this is an unbelievable win. How unbelievable? Peep Ocasio’s reaction:


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