51+ Hilarious Tattoo Face Swaps That Show How Bad Some Tattoos Really Are (New Pics)
Inking someone is just as big of a responsibility as getting inked. I mean, if someone is determined to get a permanent mark on their body, the one who is making it happen has to be skilled enough to make sure it doesn't become a regret of a lifetime. But that's not always the case. A good way to test if a tattoo artist did a good job is swapping it with a real-life object it is meant to represent, and some are so hideous, it's hilarious. Bored Panda has compiled a second list of these test (you can find the first one here), and it's just as priceless. From a cartoony version of Avril Lavigne to a tiger that looks like it was drawn by a two-year-old, these designs will definitely make you think twice before letting someone pick you with a needle and ink. And while we do feel sorry for the people who got these, we're also incredibly grateful it wasn't us. Scroll down to check out the images and upvote your favorites!