YouTube HQ Shooter Injures Three Before Shooting Self

April 04, 2018

A female suspect is dead after shooting 3 people at the YouTube HQ in Northern California.



The woman, who was identified as vegan bodybuilder Nasim Aghdam, entered the area at around lunchtime where she shot a 36-year-old man by the outdoor patio and dining area. The man is in critical condition with a fatal gunshot wound to the stomach. Two other women, aged 32 and 27, were also shot and are in serious and fair condition.

The shooter then shot herself after injuring the three employees.


In 2009, Aghdam accused YouTube of censorship and being dictatorial in their policies. She complained that the company had stopped paying her due to inappropriate content posted on her channel. Before the incident, the shooter’s father reportedly told police that Aghdam hated the company for cutting off her payment.

YouTube employees were seen through CCTV footage fleeing the area as others called for 911.

Todd Sherman, a product manager for YouTube tweeted that he was in a meeting when the shooting occurred.

Several other employees also tweeted during the incident.

The three victims were not named, however it was reported that the man was the shooter’s boyfriend. The cause of the shooting is still unclear, however police are speculating that the incident is due to a domestic dispute rather than an act of terrorism.

President Donald Trump was briefed on the shooting and issued out a statement on his Twitter.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki and Sundar Pichai, chief executive of Google LLC, also tweeted their statements on the day’s events.

Google, which owns YouTube, issued a statement that the company’s security team worked with authorities to make sure that buildings had been evacuated and are doing the best they can to support the victims and their families.

The post YouTube HQ Shooter Injures Three Before Shooting Self appeared first on Pulptastic.

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