Watch Ya Mouf: Barack Obama Reportedly PISSED At Article About Michelle Obama First Lady Cakes
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Details Of Barack Obama’s Reaction To Disrespect Toward Michelle
Now that President Barack Obama is out of office, humorous and anecdotal, stories laced with intimate details about his Presidency and humanity are coming to light.
According to DailyMail, one such story is not very funny, at least to Barry it wasn’t…
A new book written by former White House senior press writer Pat Cunnane, West Winging It: An Un-presidential Memoir, tells of a time when then President Obama was HOT behind some comments made about his wife’s butt.
In 2013, the Washington Post published an article titled: “Michelle Obama’s Posterior Again the Subject of a Public Rant”.
‘Totally disrespectful’, Obama steamed.
A high school football coach named Bob Grisham was recorded ranting about Michelle’s effort to campaign for healthier school lunches. During his venting Grisham referred to “fat butt Michelle Obama”.
We gotta believe Barry would have delivered this azzhole one of the most righteous fades we ever did see.
Cunnane’s book also includes embarrassing self-deprecating stories about accidentally slamming a door right in Joe Biden’s face and damn near killing the Obama’s pet dogs, Sunny and Bo.
Check it out for these stories and a whole lot more.