Nicki Minaj Just Announced A New Single And Twitter Is Creating A Fake War With Cardi B
Nicki Vs. Cardi Because Y’all Bored
Here we go. You probably knew this was going to happen. Nicki Minaj is releasing two new singles “Chun Li” and “Barbie Tingz” on Thursday, just six days after Cardi B’s monster debut album “Invasion Of Privacy” dropped. People have been trying to spark the feud between the two for a year now and this is just fuel to the fire. Now people think this is Nicki trying to get in on Cardi’s shine.
Queen Nicki Minaj launching her comeback one week after Cardi B released #InvasionOfPrivacy! Coincidence? I think not. #ChunLi #BarbieTingz
— Gibson Johns (@gibsonoma) April 10, 2018
But here’s the thing: it’s quite possible that two women can drop projects near one another and we enjoy them both. That’s absolutely possible. Duh. But that didn’t stop people from speculating. Take a look…