Must Watch: ‘Stranger Fruit’ Film Shows The Story Of What Happened To Michael Brown [VIDEO]

April 03, 2018

AUSTIN, TX - MARCH 11: KeyAnna Ewing, Mike Brown's attorney Benjamin Crump, Mike Brown's mother Lezley McSpadden and director Jason Pollock walk the red carpet at the SxSW Film Festival premier of Stranger Fruit at the Austin Convention Center on March 11, 2017 in Austin, Texas.

(Photo by Jim Bennett/Getty Images)

New Starz Film Explores Story Of Michael Brown’s Killing

On August 9th, 2014 an unarmed 18-year-old named Michael Brown was killed by Officer Darren Wilson. Michael’s death instantly became viral news and sparked protests for him worldwide. Eventually this led to the phrase “Black Lives Matter” becoming a cultural phenomenon. So what really happened in Ferguson, Missouri? STRANGER FRUIT is the story of what happened to Mike Brown, told through the eyes of those closest to him. Michael Brown’s family members bravely retell the worst event of their lives to try to help the world understand the facts around what took place. Filmmaker Jason Pollock delivers an in-depth look at the facts of Mike Brown’s case in an effort unravel the mystery. Watch the trailer below:

The film held its world premiere at SXSW 2017 and quickly became global news due to Pollock releasing new evidence he had discovered after moving to Ferguson in 2015 to conduct his investigation. The evidence he released showed Michael Brown in the convenience store the night before he died back in August of 2014. Pollock’s new unseen evidence has brought into question much of the official story that the public had been given by the St. Louis County Prosecutor’s office.

“The way Mike Brown was killed and the ensuing events after his death in Ferguson, changed our culture forever. In a time where racism is so rampant, it’s vital that we re-examine the story of Mike Brown to understand the real facts,” said Director Jason Pollock. “Mike’s life and death impacted so many and its finally time we know the truth about what really happened in Ferguson in August of 2014.”

STRANGER FRUIT is the official Brown family authorized piece on their son’s death, and Pollock has donated the majority of the profits from this project to the family of Mike Brown.

“The fight, the struggle and the MOVEMENT for justice and accountability for police brutality has been a daily, weekly and year to year battle,” said Lezley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown. “My family and I are very grateful for Jason Pollock and his hard work and dedication to unveil what lies beneath, and stares us in the face, here in St. Louis, at most protests with a badge that reads “SERVE AND PROTECT.”

The film is released on Video on Demand and Digital HD today and will make it’s premiere on Starz June 18, 2018.

You can also find it on these platforms:


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