Make America Hate Again: Young Muslim Woman Punched While Checking Into Hospital [Video]

April 01, 2018

Young Muslim Woman Attacked In Hospital Lobby

Video footage of a 19-year-old woman wearing a traditional Muslim head covering getting attacked by a man in a Dearborn emergency room went viral earlier this week.

The video obtained of the woman checking into Beaumont Hospital then shortly after being approached by a man waiting in the lobby who walks up from behind and begins pummeling her. Beaumont nurses and security quickly rushed to her aid to restrain the man. According to Dearborn police, the man was discharged from the hospital that day and had been harassing other people in the lobby.

The victim is suing Beaumont Dearborn, charging that the hospital did not do enough to monitor the man. “We want to hold them accountable for not looking out for the safety of other patients,” Majed Moughni, the victim’s attorney, told The Detroit News. “Our No. 1 goal is to make sure no human being is attacked the way my client was.” The hospital, however, maintains that staff acted appropriately.

Moughni believes the attack was racially charged. The victim did not know the man and it appeared that he attacked her “for no other reason but because she was a Muslim,” according to the court documents.

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