InstaTHOT Tendencies: Invariably Imbecilic Sarah Palin Pushing Fit Tea To Her Fleshy Followers

Michael Schwartz/Getty Images
Sarah Palin Advertising Fit Tea On Instagram
Although she was once the Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin is currently using the business practices of a common Insta-THOT.
The former Governor of Alaska is peddling Teami Blends’ fit tea and encouraging her fleshy and egregiously imbecilic followers to use her %15 off discount code.
According to Slate, Palin was supposed to use a hashtag like #ad or #spon to indicate that she was being paid to include the post on her social media account, but she didn’t.
Slate also adds that Teami Blends wouldn’t confirm or deny paying Palin for the post.
Now mind you, it pays VERY well to do a sponsored post. Some influencers make $250,000 to post products. As for Palin however, Slate says she could be making just $250 per post because she only has 25,000 followers. Influencers typically make about 1 percent of their follower count per post.
Oh how the mighty have fallen…