Former “Cosby Show” Actress Nicolle Rochelle Explains Her Bare Boob Bill Cosby Bashing

Elder Ordonez / Splash News
Nicolle Rochelle Talks About Whether Bill Cosby Violated Her And Why She Protested Him
Now that she’s bonded out after being charged with disorderly conduct for flashing her funbags at Bill Cosby while blasting his alleged behavior, Nicolle Rochelle is continuing to spread her message to the media.
“He’s a man who’s disempowered women’s bodies for decades. It doesn’t seem to be recognized,” Rochelle, 39, tells PEOPLE. “The case is being publicized with this narrative of race. He’s being painted as the victim. I wanted to emphasize that this is about rape. I wanted to make him uncomfortable and to make people think about women’s bodies.”
“He’s a man who’s disempowered women’s bodies for decades. It doesn’t seem to be recognized,” Rochelle, 39, tells PEOPLE. “The case is being publicized with this narrative of race. He’s being painted as the victim. I wanted to emphasize that this is about rape. I wanted to make him uncomfortable and to make people think about women’s bodies.”
Rochelle appeared on four episodes of “The Cosby Show” during the 90’s but says the set was always a family friendly place for her, still she’s not letting Cosby by just on her experiences.
“The protest wasn’t about me knowing him, but there’s a part of me that feels betrayed because I can understand what the victims were feeling. Like, that could have been me, I could’ve undergone the abuse as well,” she says.
Over 50 women have come forward to say Cosby raped or sexually violated them, but he continues to maintain his innocence.
Rochelle said in an earlier statement to PEOPLE, “My action today was first and foremost an action lead by the group I joined in Europe about a year-and-half ago called Femen. Femen is an international Women’s movement of topless female activists painted with slogans and our mission is protesting the patriarchy and reclaiming our bodies.”
“Protesting Bill Cosby was important for us because he is a man who has been disempowering women’s bodies for decades and in being naked today, I was symbolically taking back the ownership of all the victims’ bodies and redefining it as a political tool as opposed to a sexual object,” she said.
Clearly she feels strongly about this issue. Shouldn’t more people be outraged? Or do you think the public is ready to move on from these cases?
Hit the flip for some of Nicolle’s social media posts on the subject.