Florida Crazies: Teen Soup Cookie Uses Racist Azz Sign To Ask His Bae To Prom

April 25, 2018

Image via Getty

High Schooler Uses Racist Sign To Ask For Prom Date

What in the Abercrombie f**k is this?!?

18-year-old Noah Crowley is currently being dragged back to the Miracle Whip plant for his incredibly racist viral school dance ask.

“If I was black, I’d be picking cotton, but I’m white, so I’m picking u 4 prom.”

Many students, like Anton Kernohan, are angered by the sign according to HeraldTribune:

“It shows that racism is still alive and well in our society, and it shows that racism is still alive in my generation and it is something that we as the youth will have to continue to fight against,” senior Anton Kernohan told the newspaper.

But Noah’s girlfriend didn’t bat an eyelash, she responded on Snapchat with a series of heart-eyed emojis.

The school doesn’t even seem to be TRULY concerned with the incident based on their tepid reaction:

“Many who saw the post are understandably upset with its contents as well as the subsequent commentary to the post. Riverview High School absolutely does not condone or support the message conveyed in this post.”

She added: “We are focused on ensuring that Riverview High School provides a safe and secure environment for all of our students and that all students feel welcome and understand the value that they all bring to our school community. Our guidance counselors and administrators are available for any student who wish to speak to someone regarding the issue. Riverview High School has a wonderful student population and we know our school will use this incident as an opportunity to have productive conversations about respect for one another.”

Doesn’t sound like they plan to punish this young d***head. Figures.

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