Flaming Idiot: Co-Eds Claim Waka Flocka Dirty Dogged Tammy With Sorority Chick On Their Campus

(Photo by Thaddaeus McAdams/FilmMagic)
Was Waka Flocka Caught Creepin’ On Tammy Rivera, AGAIN?
Just last week, the Flockas were getting praise for their resilient Black couple-dom and now rumors are swirling that Waka has been being dirty behind Tammy’s back?
A college student at the University of Arkansas tweeted that Waka was “definitely” creeping with one of the sorority chicks at her school. She says the girl posted a shirtless photo of him on snapchat to prove he smashed. Smh, they seem to be taking it as a joke too! Saying the girl was born in the 90’s, shaming him for allegedly being thirsty. But do you think this is true?
so Waka Flocka definitely slept with one of the sorority girls at my school this weekend.
(@layonce3005) April 18, 2018
my cup empty though
(@layonce3005) April 18, 2018
Kinda crazy, right? And it didn’t stop there, more students tweeted about seeing him in Arkansas and the girl being kicked out of her sorority over the hook up! Meanwhile, Tammy posted some pretty interesting messages to her IG story recently. Hit the flip to see it all.